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Dragon Boat Festival travel group travel company


Dragon Boat Festival, is a fragrant dumplings drift season, but also a better tourist season, for which we ROAD-WELL of small partners broken down into smaller 5-way to Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, Sabah, Chongqing off.

        Our mission is to go to Japan Osaka, Osaka has many synonymous always people crave city. Food Houchu water are romantic cherry city, these are all interpreted as Japan's Osaka Fukutoshin meaning. For travelers, whether it is the point at which you want to understand this city, you can find a perfect breakthrough, making it one by one to three of the most profound, and most essential features. Here we also had a very pleasant,

        We went to the Taiwan delegation Chingjing farm tour stretching endless green grassland, herds often shuttle which seems like Northland scenery. We also watch the famous Sun Moon Lake Scenic Area, Sun Moon Lake is Taiwan's largest freshwater lake surface Quanta 900 hectares, in the middle of Lalu Island aboriginal Thao Holy Land, as a community, because the northern half of the lake shaped like the sun, the southern half of the lake is shaped like a moon named sun moon Lake, which is the thing that makes us reluctant to leave the place. After two days of travel, we also went to Hualien, Chishingtan, too Lu National Scenic Area as well as the Forbidden City, each spot has a unique part of her wonderful.

        Thailand is a country of Ten Thousand Buddhas, our hearts have been relatively want to travel where the majority of our financial administrative staff chose here, to have fun, we take the full free shopping pure play group, we go to Thailand Grand Palace, Aranda Royal Museum (also known as marble Palace), Bangkok KING POWER, Nong Nooch tropical garden, orchid garden, Thai tropical fruit garden, the newest and largest night market (Asiatique the Riverfront) and Southeast Asia known for riding the Ferris wheel, of course, there are a must-see program to Thailand, in Pattaya, Thailand's first "Akasha international Theatre" watch Simon performances.

        Sabah group exclusive Shangri-La Resort, Shangri-La luxury goods buffet dinner, go to the best tourist attractions in Sabah when the mangroves, proboscis monkeys and Firefly Eco-Tour, the world looking for endangered proboscis monkey, enjoy the night sky flying everywhere fireflies, recalled childhood memories. Sabah tour Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park horse curtain Dee Island and Sapi Island. Chongqing whole group lived in the Victoria Jenna cruise above, this very luxurious cruise ship, the ship has a variety of activities to enjoy along the way poetry culture, spirits culture, three culture, Bachu culture, immigrant culture, fun; we spent in there a pleasant five days.

        The travel companies all over the trial period employees have participated in, so we had a whole day at the same time did not forget to thank the company to give us such a good welfare, ROAD-WELL is like a big family, I wish the company and each of the people here are on the road ahead of healthy growth.

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