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Human Resources & Administration Department Tourism Travels


"Qingming Festival rain have, pedestrians Deep Sorrow. I ask where there are restaurants, cowboy Yao Zhi Heng Fa Chuen." Whenever I chant Du Mu's song "Qingming" always intoxicated at the time of the mood among the poets, admire the beauty of the Ching Ming Festival. Qingming pay homage to deceased loved ones just miss the season, or the things in the world to update season. There are too many of the world worthy of our careful appreciate beauty, worth to savor. Therefore, when the funds have been enough for us to weather the Ministry of Personnel in this great season starting travel.

        The tourist destination is our gold leaf spa resort, which is located in Guangzhou city Baishuizhai scenic area, located in the mountains, has nearly 300 rooms, adjacent to the largest waterfall drop in mainland China - white narcissus waterfall.

       April 4 in the morning, we always punctual in 11 people downstairs departure by bus, although a bit far away, a little traffic, but did not affect us excited mood, a good way to see the scenery will come up with a mobile phone camera, on arrival we put into the backpack row season hotel room, and then we have a pedestrian walking on Xianting outside the hotel, take pictures, which usually enjoy a rare beautiful scenery, breeze blowing, really comfortable.

       After dinner, we will be the theme of our trip - hot springs. Gold leaf spa in Guangdong province's highest spa, spa pool area has 36 hot spring pools of different sizes, because of cool and bright and lush mountain forests, where hot springs are extremely refined and comfort.

       After the hot spring, and we have a pedestrian in the hotel's singing ktv drinking, having all the fun.

       The next day, we eat buffet, hot springs would bubble to go at noon and went to another famous attraction near the hot springs - white kiosk. It is known as the "magnificent Tropic of Cancer" Jade ", the area where the high mountains, dense forests, fresh air, abundant rainfall created a gap between the Chinese mainland's largest waterfall white narcissus waterfall which falls from the magic road white kiosk Peak waterfalls beautiful shape, pure white, according to legend, one of the Eight Immortals Xiangu incarnation. Laizheliwan person is really too much, we play for nearly three hours.

       The tour greatly relax our mood, but also the release of the fatigue of our work, the most important thing is to thank the company to give our welfare, so we have more opportunity to see this beautiful world.

The following are some photos we took:

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